The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) is a worldwide non-political and non-profit technical and scientific organization established to promote both inland and maritime navigation by fostering progress in the planning, design, construction, improvement, maintenance and operation of inland and maritime waterways and ports and of coastal areas for general use. Founded in 1885, PIANC originally stood for the Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses, but changed its name to the current in 2009. PIANC directs the international study commissions and working groups. The international headquarters is located in Brussels, Belgium, at facilities provided by the Belgian government. PIANC USA is a national section of PIANC International.
PIANC USA was organized in 1902 with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) serving as the Secretariat. Membership is comprised of engineers, scientists, economists, planners, dredgers, port operators, regulators, and marina and vessel owners. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the USACE Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations lead the U.S. National Commission. PIANC Commissioners provide leadership and strategic direction for PIANC USA. Technical Committee and Commission Representatives represent the United States in PIANC International leadership meetings.
PIANC USA members, including government organizations, the private sector, academia, NGOs and individuals, work together with participating members from over 75 countries to address a broad range of policy, engineering and environmental issues for the advancement of waterborne transportation.
PIANC USA provides opportunities for members to connect with a domestic and international community of technical professionals. Members meet to exchange information, build business contacts and develop professional relationships.
Conferences & Workshops
PIANC USA organizes conferences, seminars and workshops to disseminate the latest engineering, scientific and economic advancements in the field of inland and maritime navigation and ports. Technical professionals from around the world gather to network, present and publish papers, and gain knowledge at PIANC World Congresses and technical specialty conferences such as Smart Rivers and PORTS (co-sponsored with the American Society of Civil Engineers). Visit the Events page for information about upcoming and past conferences and meetings.
Young Professionals
PIANC USA provides opportunities for the training and development of Young Professionals (members 40 years of age and under). The goal is to provide value to students and professionals in the early years of their career by giving young professionals awards for technical papers, and positions on working groups.
Working Groups and Reports
PIANC USA participates in PIANC International technical working groups, comprised of experts from member countries who gather, analyze and consolidate state-of-the-practice solutions from each country. The resulting reports are published by PIANC International and posted to the PIANC International website. All PIANC members receive passwords to access these publications, free of charge. Reports can also be purchased individually on this website.
For more information on how to access publications please contact
Awards and Scholarships
PIANC advances the field of navigation studies and the exchange of technical information on port and waterway issues with several scholarship programs.